
We leverage foundational models, open-source projects, domain-specific advancements and our proprietary technology. Currently, we are seeking AI scientists, ML engineers, game engineers and designers to join us in shaping the future of game development.

Our Values

An icon of a lightbulb for the value "Invent for Customers"
Invent for customers

Uncover both stated and unstated customer opportunities to craft products which customers will love. 

An icon of a speedometer for the value "Own your lane"
Own your lane & deliver fast

Bias for action, don’t confuse work with impact and deliver what you commit to.

An icon of mountain climbing for the value "be relentless"
Be relentless & embrace discomfort

True innovation is messy, unpredictable, and there is no playbook. 

An icon of a tree growing for the value "growth mindset"
Strong opinions + Growth mindset

Develop strong opinions but continuously learn and change your mind when presented with new insights.

Open Roles

AI Software Engineer - Backend
Bay Area (CA), and Raleigh (NC)
Machine Learning Engineer
Bay Area (CA), and Raleigh (NC)